Laboratory of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine
Department of Life Science - National Taiwan University
Stem Cells Are Potential.
We Are As Potential As A Stem Cell.

Our latest research results are published in Stem Cell Report!
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研究成果榮登 Stem Cell Reports!!
Cardiac myofibrillogenesis is spatiotemporally modulated by the molecular chaperone UNC45B

心臟的收縮是利用肌節 (Sarcomere) 滑動的原理來完成。而肌節是心臟肌肉的最小功能單位, 它的主要構造包括大家熟知的粗肌絲纖維及細肌絲纖維,然而將它放大來看,它可是由上百個肌節蛋白所組成。目前臨床上發現當這些肌節蛋白發生變異時,就會造成肌節組成構造的異常進而導致心肌病變 (cardiomyopathy),其為全世界十大死亡疾病之首。目前我們雖然很清楚肌節的功能,但在心臟發育早期時,肌節是如何組裝起來,機制仍然未明。若我們能了解肌節組裝 (Sarcomere assembly) 的分子機制就可以進一步找到治療心肌病變的方法。
生命科學系副教授蔡素宜研究團隊利用人類多能幹細胞分化成心肌細胞的過程中建立一套新的系統來揭示核心肌節相關蛋白在肌節組裝時,它們在時間與空間的表現,進而去揭示肌節組裝的分子機制。有趣地,研究團隊也同時發現分子伴侶 (Molecular chaperon) UNC45B與不同部位的肌節標記蛋白有高度共表達。因此,研究團隊利用 CRISPR/Cas9 的技術建立了 UNC45B 缺失的人類多能幹細胞株,想藉此來探討UNC45B是否在不同部位的肌節構造扮演不同的角色。研究團隊發現UNC45B缺失的人類多能幹細胞株雖然能分化到心肌細胞,但這些心肌細胞是完全不會收縮。透過機制研究的探討,研究團隊發現UNC45B 是透過調節KINDLIN2的表達來調控肌節起始點,原肌節 (protocostamere),的形成。 最後,研究團隊證實UNC45B 會藉由與不同部位的肌節相關蛋白在不同時間與空間上的相互作用來調節心臟肌節的形成。
重要地,病人帶有UNC45B的變異會導致新生兒肌原纖維肌病II型 (Neonatal myofibrillar myopathy type II),新生兒往往在出生後不久就會因心臟病變而無法存活下來,因此這份研究渴望有機會替未來新生兒肌原纖維肌病II型提供一個新的治療策略。
此研究成果發表在國際知名幹細胞領域重要期刊 Stem Cell Reports 中。蔡老師研究團隊在此感謝國科會及台大校內計畫的經費贊助,也謝謝蔡老師研究團隊裡的每個學生們願意為理想而努力地付出!
Stem Cell Reports全文:

研究成果榮登 Cell Reports!!
A 𝝲-tubulin complex-dependent pathway suppresses unscheduled ciliogenesis by promoting cilia disassembly

Cell Reports全文:
研究成果榮登 Circulation Research!!
Alternative Splicing Mediated by RNA-Binding Protein RBM24 Facilitates Cardiac Myofibrillogenesis in a Differentiation Stage-Specific Manner

Excerpted from NTU Focus News
Our research mainly uses human pluripotent stem cells as a model to explore the pathological mechanism of human heart development and heart disease. Cardiomyopathy is a common heart disease in which the heart cannot perform normal functions due to disease of the heart muscle. At present, the drugs for the treatment of cardiomyopathy are only supportive therapy, and there is no way to cure it. In the end, patients often need to wait for a heart transplant, otherwise they may die. Therefore, how to find an effective treatment method is an issue that needs to be solved at present.
The sarcomere is the basic unit of the myocardium, which is composed of hundreds of sarcomere proteins. Clinical studies have found that many sarcomere protein gene variations may lead to cardiomyopathy. Therefore, if we can understand the upstream molecular mechanism behind the formation of normal sarcomeres, it will help to find out more causes and potential treatments of cardiomyopathy. RBM24 (RNA-binding motif protein 24) is a known cardiac splicing factor, which can affect the structure of sarcomere through alternative splicing, but its function and molecular mechanism in myocardial development are still unclear. Therefore, the laboratory uses CRISPR/Cas9 technology to establish a human stem cell line lacking RBM24 to explore the role of RBM24 in myocardial development.
The research team found that RBM24 regulates many sarcomere-related proteins at different stages in the process of myocardial differentiation, and can be regarded as a master regulator of myocardial development. Among them, we found that the core myofibrilogenic proteins (such as ACTN2, TTN and MYH10) that form the most important sarcomeres were misspliced. Thus, MYH6 does not normally replace the non-muscle myosin MYH10, leading to myofibril arrest at the early pre-myofibril stage and disruption of sarcomeres. Interestingly, we found that the actin-binding domain (ABD; encoded by exon 6) of the Z-line anchor protein ACTN2 is predominantly excluded (exon exclusion) during early cardiac differentiation, whereas it is eventually included (exon inclusion) in the adult heart. Finally, we demonstrated that RBM24 is involved in the important function of sarcomere formation in the early stage of cardiac differentiation, and its deletion will make exon 6 (Exon6) of ACTN2 be excluded (exon exclusion). At the same time, it was found that the sarcomere proteins regulated by RBM24 are closely related to cardiomyopathy when they mutate. Therefore, the team confirmed that RBM24 plays an important regulatory role in the process of myocardial development and acts as an upstream regulator of many cardiomyopathy genes. Therefore, This study is expected to provide a new treatment strategy for future cardiomyopathy. This research result was published in Circulation Research, an important international journal in the field of heart disease. It was completed by master class students Lu Huian (first author), Su Liangyu, and undergraduate students Li Kangzheng and Ye Yuchen.
Growing human stem cells is expensive and there are no holidays, rain or shine. However, because human stem cells have unlimited potential in regenerative therapy, disease modeling and drug screening, the research team is still working hard, hoping that the team's research will one day contribute to the treatment of human diseases. I would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology and the school's financial support for the project, as well as the many seniors who silently helped the laboratory, and thank every student in the research team for their willingness to work hard for their ideals!
Full text of Circulation Research: